Registration workers at a conference for authors

Registration workers at a conference for authors of children’s books have collected data about conference participants, including the number of books each author has written and the target age of their readers. The participants have written from 1 to 10 books each, and target readers’ ages range from 0 through 16. Design a Visual Logic Flowchart for a program that continuously accepts the number of books written, one entery per author, until a sentinel value of -1 is entered, and then displays a list of how many authors have written each number of books (1 through 10) skipping numbers of books that have no authors that have written that number.


In Visual Logic use console I/O.


Here is one example of what the program I/O might look like:


Please enter number of books: 5
Please enter number of books: 7
Please enter number of books: 5
Please enter number of books: 8
Please enter number of books: 10
Please enter number of books: 10
Please enter number of books: 9
Please enter number of books: 0
Sorry please enter a number of books between 1-10: 10
Please enter number of books: -1
Number of authors of 5 books: 2
Number of authors of 7 books: 1
Number of authors of 8 books: 1
Number of authors of 9 books: 1
Number of authors of 10 books: 3


Registration workers at a conference for authors

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